00:00 Start of Service
04:10 Opening Hymn, “Crown Him With Many Crowns”
07:09 Apostolic Greeting
07:18 Kyrie, Hymn of Praise
09:52 Prayer, 1st Reading, Psalm, 2nd Reading
15:49 Alleluia, Gospel Reading sequence
19:30 Sermon by Pastor Gregory P. Fryer
40:15 Hymn, “O Day Full Of Grace”
44:27 Apostles’ Creed, Prayers
49:56 The Peace
50:03 Offering Hymn, “Beautiful Savior
60:15 Communion Anthem, “Jesu dulcis Memoria”
attr. Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611)
The Immanuel Choir
62:07 Post Communion Prayer, Benediction
62:44 Closing Hymn, “Christ Is The King!”
64:51 Go in Peace
65:20 Service ends