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00:00 Start of Service – Prelude Music
07:16 Entrance Rite
08:14 Opening Hymn, “O, Come, All Ye Faithful”
11:22 Apostolic Greeting
11:35 Gloria, “Angels We Have Heard On High”
14:29 Prayer, 1st Reading, 2nd Reading
17:26 Alleluia and Gospel Reading sequence for Christmas Day
20:47 Hymn, “It Came Upon A Midnight Clear”
24:20 Carol’s Sermon
36:54 Hymn, “Lo How A Rose”
40:04 Nicene Creed, Prayers
45:35 Offertory Anthem, “Gaudete! Christus natus est”
From Piae Cantiones (1582)
The Immanuel Choir
47:56 Offertory Prayer and Communion
54:40 Communion Anthem, “Wonderful Peace”
Gustav Nordquist (1886-1946)
57:07 Post Communion Blessing, Prayer, Benediction
58:25 Closing Hymn “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice”
60:00 Go in Peace
61:30 Service ends