We celebrate the Eucharist (Lord’s Supper or Communion) every Sunday and Wednesday. It is the climactic moment of every worship service. We believe that Communion is a means of grace. That means that Jesus has promised to meet us in the bread and wine and to be present to us. As Lutherans, we believe in a doctrine called Real Presence. That means we affirm that Jesus’s Body and Blood are “in, with, and under” the elements of bread and wine. We offer both the bread and the wine at each service.
We invite all baptized Christians who believe that Jesus is present in the Eucharist, who are truly sorry for their sins, and who desire to follow Jesus and live a godly life to participate in the sacrament. The Lord’s Supper is ultimately a holy mystery that we approach with awe and joy, because we know that Jesus promises Himself to us in the sacrament, and we take Him at His word.