For Seekers

A note from Pastor Gregory Fryer

I have lots of experience talking with newcomers to the Christian faith. I even have quite a lot of experience talking with atheists. I like them all! I have this experience because of the “Pastor’s Booth”:

In another place on our website, there is a page that tells more about this. Click: The Pastor’s Booth. Here let me say simply that as the years go by here in New York City and in our land, there might come a time in your life when you want to reconsider the traditional faith of the Church. Or consider it for the first time. Our congregation, Immanuel Lutheran Church, is not a liberal, progressive church. Our path is different. We are trying to preserve and pass on to future generations age-old Christian convictions about what is good and true and lovely in a human life. We believe that our resurrected Jesus gives us hope in this world and desires to shepherd us—as he has guided centuries of Christians — into a good life.

Wherever you are in our land, at some point in your life you might want to live in Manhattan. Perhaps you will move here for school or for career development or simply for the culture and excitement of our town. If so, please make church part of your life. Indeed, we hope that you will make our congregation — Immanuel Lutheran Church — part of your life.

God bless you.

In Christ,
Pastor Gregory P. Fryer