Bible Study


Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM, beginning Thursday, January 25th, 2024

Genesis is about us! It is about us humans before we became fragmented
into races and clans. Its stories are old — older than the Church, older than
Israel. They are old stories of creation, of divine blessing ruined by
temptation, of having to earn our living by the sweat of our brow, of
murder — even murder by one brother of another. And it is the story of
the beginning ages of faith — the faith of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and
Joseph. The rest of the Bible hardly makes sense unless we know the
stories of Genesis.

Every week on Thursday at 6:30 p.m. (You are welcome to contact the office (212-289-8128) to make sure that the class is taking place on a particular Thursday.) This class takes place in the Martin Luther Room, inside the church office at 122 East 88th Street.

The Bible: The Big Picture

A Class for All Ages – Sundays During Coffee Hour

Beginning Sunday, September 24th, 2023[But first a note from Pastor Gregory Fryer: A classic challenge for congregations concerns young people after they are confirmed. The spiritual growth of her
Confirmands is very much on Lara’s heart. So, the beginning point of her thoughts
about this class is that it is a class meant for her students who are now confirmed. But
I am delighted with her inclination to expand the class to take in all generations. I
think that this intergenerational class will be a blessing for everyone who takes part.
Please attend as often as you can. Now, from Lara:]

Please join me for a year-long tour through the Bible. This is a class
designed to give us a big picture view of the Scriptures, its main themes, key
ideas, and most important stories. Each class will feature one book or set of
writings from the Bible, with many visuals, maps, timelines and other aides
to help us get a sense of the whole. We will also learn about how the Bible
was translated and the canon of Scripture was formed. Each class will feature
a PowerPoint presentation with lots of pictures of Biblical art, artifacts, and
other charts and diagrams.

This class takes place in the Martin Luther Room, in the church office at 122 East 88th Street, following the 11 a.m. Sunday Liturgy.

The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis ~ Immanuel Wednesday Night Book Club
The third Wednesday of the month, at 8 p.m., beginning September 27th, 2023
And now for something completely different! Letters from… the devil?! Come find out why this book has become a Christian classic, albeit one that the author himself hated writing! In The Screwtape Letters, Lewis imagines what advice a senior devil would give a junior devil about how to do his job. This short book is funny, theologically insightful, and psychologically profound, and it’s guaranteed to spark great conversation. Please join Pastor Lara for food, fellowship, and discussion on the third Wednesday of the month at 8 p.m. in the Martin Luther Room inside our church office. (You are welcome to contact the office (212-289-8128) to make sure that the class is taking place on a particular Wednesday.)