Dear Members and Friends of Immanuel Lutheran Church,
I am attaching Seminarian Lara Bhasin’s fine sermon for this evening (PDF below).
And before that, you might want to enjoy some Mozart, played by our Music Director, Dr. Gwendolyn Toth:
I realize that you will read Lara’s sermon and so forth when you can. But I like the idea of sending it out at our usual worship time, 6:30 PM on Wednesdays. I like the idea of us worshiping together. I like the idea of our unity. I mean to do the same thing at 11 AM on Sundays.
God be with you all.
In Christ,
Pastor Gregory Fryer
Download (PDF, 20200318_Midweek-Lent-3_Seminarian_Lara_Bhasin.pdf)