Ways to Give

We have now enabled eGiving for Immanuel Lutheran Church, which we hope will help many of us with our stewardship, not least by saving lots of time.
Click here to give online now via a secure web-based form.
(The above link takes you to a page dedicated to Immanuel at eservicepayments.com.)

In addition to the webpage linked above, there are two more ways to give electronically. All these methods support both one-time and recurring offerings.

(1) Use a mobile app you need first to download and install (VANCO MOBILE)

(2)  Give by text, at 917-563-4047 (a dedicated number for Immanuel).

Here are basic instructions for each:

(1) Mobile app:


Go to the Apple App Store or to Google Play and look for the VANCO MOBILE app.

Download and open it and then search for Immanuel Lutheran Church, at our address of 122 East 88th St., New York, NY 10128. Our church will display with its full legal name of “Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church.” Choose this as your church and it will remain the default church you give to each time you open the app. Enter your own information to the app, and you will now be able to make donations on a one-time or recurring basis, and keep track of your online giving.

For more information on using this app, click on this PDF.

(2) Give by Text:

To get started on giving by text, text any amount you would like to donate to Immanuel’s dedicated number of 917-563-4047. You will receive a reply which will contain a link, which you can then click on to set up your profile. From that point on, you can make your offering by simply texting an amount to that number. (You will also receive a reply giving you the option of making the donation a recurring one.) Text #edit at any time in the future to that number in order to change your payment method or profile.

And as always, you may give by check, made out to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
122 East 88th Street
New York, NY 10128

Also, if you utilize online banking, your financial institution can likely do the check mailing for you, and likewise enable you to set up a recurring donation. This method saves transaction fees at Immanuel’s end.

If your offering is intended as a memorial gift, please provide the name of the faithful departed on the memo line.

No matter which way or ways you choose to give, your offerings will be recorded and included in your year-end total when that is compiled and mailed out.

Your gifts are a wonderful expression of support, and we thank you, in Christ.